Behind the scenes we are working hard on our latest product version, V4. To keep you informed of all developments, we will share a new or updated feature every Friday in our “Feature Friday.”
This Friday: Document type restriction in upload portal
Smartlockr makes it easy for you to receive files safely. With an upload portal you can let anyone send files to you, by directing them to the upload portal on your website. Without any effort files can be send. Another option is sending out upload requests by e-mail.
The one who has to send files, will receive an e-mail with a request. By doing so, files will be send to you in an easy and safe way. But, how do you know that you will receive the files you’ve been asking for?
This is something you actually can’t, because upload portals and upload request don’t have document type restrictions. In other words: it can happen that you’ll receive the wrong files.
Why having document type restrictions is an advantage
Files should be received as easy and safe as possible. The proces has to be a piece of cake. But that’s also the case for the one who sends the files: nothing more annoying than having to do things twice, if it’s not necessary. This could happen with sending out files, which could turn out too big or having the wrong document format.
With Smartlockr V4 we make it possible to avoid miscommunication. You can easily put document restrictions, so the expected files will meet your restrictions.
If you would like to receive a resume for example, in a PDF format and max. size of 10MB, you can adjust this so you can make sure you won’t receive files bigger than 10MB and in a format other than PDF.
If the sender tries to upload any document anyway, they will receive an notification that the wrong document has been selected.
Advantages of having document type restrictions:
- As a receiver you get total control on the incoming documents;
- You don’t have to convert documents afterwards, and
- The sender will send out the right documents
Being able to set document type restrictions, increases the user-friendliness of Smartlockr. But, this is only one of the many new features Smartlockr has to offer.
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