Everything you need to know about how AI and ML technology can help you protect your data
Download our whitepaper “Good cop, bot cop: the truth about AI, ML and your privacy” to find out more.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have undoubtedly made life easier. Unfortunately this is equally true for hackers and cyber criminals, who use the latest technology in aid of more efficient and targeted cyber attacks. AI and ML play an increasingly large role in the field of cyber security, but are they truly making the world a safer place?
To answer this we've compiled everything you need to know on the subject in our whitepaper: "Good cop, bot cop: the truth about AI, ML and your privacy", so you'll be up to speed on the latest trends in the field of AI and ML and how these relate to keeping you and your data safe.
This whitepaper will give you an overview of both good and bad applications of AI, as well as the possibilities granted us by developments in AI:
The cat-and-mouse game of AI and cyber crime
The real future of AI, ML and your privacy
Fighting data breaches using ML